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Born in November 1980, from Užice. Formerly a journalist of reputable Belgrade newsrooms, today he is the director of the Strategy and Corporate Affairs at Zlatiborac LLC. Holder of MSc diplomas from three different faculties, today he is a PhD student at the Faculty of Organizational Science. European Best Manager in Marketing and winner of the award for one of the greatest managers up to age 35. An uncommon creative and charismatic leader. With passionate commitment and responsibility for the strategic development of the company Zlatiborac, in an enviably short period he built the foundations of this brand that we know today.

Persistent and consistent, he never stops researching, creating and pushing boundaries.

Nemanja Knežević

November 3, 1980
Užice, Republic of Serbia

Extrovert and intuitive

Others say uncommon
He says – I will be what I am, only my own

Always interested in journalism

He build one of the greatest brands through communication
He will end his career as a business designer and proffesor

Witouth a strong character, there is no true person

Witouth good food and friends there is no life
Witouth nature and art there is no sense


He received his primary and secondary education in Užice. He will continue with his professional development in Belgrade, at the Faculty of Political Science, where he will graduate from the Department of Political Science and will be awarded a Master’s Degree from the Department of Journalism and Communication. His creativity and ambition also led him to the Academy of Fine Art, where he graduated from the Mass Media Management Department. He completed specialist academic programme of marketing management at the Faculty of Organizational Science in Belgrade, continuing with the PhD education at the Department of Management.

The thread that has always been connecting everything remains the communication science, despite one unplanned but interesting adventure through the formal education.


Faculty of Organizational Science. University in Belgrade

Management. Department of Management. In progress

Faculty of Organizational Science. University in Belgrade 

Master’s Degree
Marketing Management. Department of Management

Faculty of Political Science. University in Belgrade

Master’s Degree
Journalism. Journalism Department

Academy of Fine Art. Belgrade

Bachelor’s Degree
Mass Media Management. Management Department

Faculty of Political Science. University in Belgrade

Bachelor’s Degree
Politicology. Politicology Department


He started his professional career, shortly after moving to study in Belgrade, as a journalist for the editorial boards of the weekly Reporter, the Weekly Telegraph, BKTV and Tanjug. With a characteristic creative style, Nemanja Knežević quickly distinguished himself in the journalistic profession. After graduating with a Bachelor of Art degree, he was offered an engagement as one of the best students in the Academy of Fine Art. After an inspiring year of academic career, in 2007 he accepted a job offer in Zlatiborac LLC.

With his dedicated work, professionalism, creativity and careful selection of the members of his team, this man will very quickly set the principles of Zlatiborac brand that we know today. Over nearly a quarter century, the company has experienced the tremendous growth and transformation, from a small family business into the company that employs more than 900 people. The number of markets has increased tenfold, as much as the number of employees, for just more than ten years. The professional management that manages the company’s business today is distinguished by its exceptional dedication and commitment to the business. After 13 years, from the position of Marketing and Development Director, he assumed even greater responsibility and took over the position of Strategy and Corporate Affairs Director.

From today’s position as in charge of the strategic corporate development of the company in the future, he believes that a new chapter of further successful results for the company Zlatiborac begins, just as its long tradition and history deserve.

Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs Center

Zlatiborac LLC
2021 –

Director of Marketing and Development Center

Zlatiborac LLC
2007 – 2021

Marketing Manager

Academy of Fine Art
2006 – 2007


Reporter, Weekly Telegraf, BKTV, Tanjug
2000 – 2006


He is a member of the International Advertising Association, Serbian Association of Managers, American Marketing Association and the Employers Council of the Faculty of Organizational Science. Always intense intellectual charge when surrounded by professionals is an exceptional opportunity to exchange knowledge, acquire new and share own experiences.


Serbian Association of Managers (SAM)

Golden Member

American Marketing Association (AMA)


International Advertising Association (IAA)


International Association of Business Communicators (IABC)


Employers Council of the Faculty of Organizational Science (FON)



He says that awards are just a formal confirmation that you are doing your job well, but must not be the purpose of your job, neither your main motive. He thinks that these are true indicators and parameters on which basis the manager should evaluate his contribution.

He is convinced that all of us prove our worth through the actions we undertake and the teams we manage.


Golden Ambassador SAM

Serbian Association of Managers
Belgrade, 2021​

European Best Manager in Marketing

European Association of Managers
Sarajevo, 2018


Association of Writers of Serbia
Belgrade, 2014

Manager of the year in the age category up to 35 – the third prize

Serbian Association of Managers
Belgrade, 2014


The most appreciable reward for any manager is the people and professionals who “were growing” in his team. It is nice to have formal acknowledgements endorsing you, but it is even greater to have a team. He strongly believes in the strength of his team, which is capable to reach into the past for wisdom, and into the future for knowledge.
He is assured that one may succeed only if he loves what he does and that every obstacle is an opportunity for growth and development and certainly not a reason to give up.


Corporate Superbrands. Belgrade, 2012-2013/2015-2016/2017-2018

Top Serbian Brands. Belgrade, 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019

Superior Taste Award. Brussels, 2016

Corporate Superbrands. Belgrade, 2012-2013/2015-2016/2017-2018

Best Buy Award. Zurich, 2015

My Choice – The most popular brand in the category. Belgrade, 2010/2011/2012/2013/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019

Corporate Superbrands. Belgrade, 2012-2013/2015-2016/2017-2018

Business Partner. Belgrade, 2010/2013/2014/2016/2017/2019

Ham and Sausage Quality Competition – DLG. Frankfurt, 2009/2011/2012/2013/2014/2015/2016/2017/2018/2019

Corporate Superbrands. Belgrade, 2012-2013/2015-2016/2017-2018

UEPS Integrated Campaign “Written in the Taste” third prize. Belgrade, 2019

Distinctive design award for the co-packaged collection of dry cured meat products. IAF NS, 2007

Great award for distinctive design. IAF NS, 2008

Great Champion Cup for corporate excellence and design applied on packaging. IAF NS, 2008

Cup for the excellence in quality and wide range of products. IAF NS, 2008

Great Champion Cup for the supreme excellence in quality of traditional dry cured meat products. IAF NS, 2009

Great Champion Cup for the best participant from Serbia in the quality assessment. IAF NS, 2009

Charter for distinctive design for multimedia communications and ethno-village simulation. IAF NS, 2009

Great Champion Cup for the best brand in 2010. IAF NS, 2009

Great award for distinctive design for media promotion of the production portfolio. IAF NS, 2010


Republic of Serbia. Belgrade


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